Time to Go All In With the Cloud: Vembu to the Rescue

In this, the seventh article in our series investigating the benefits of Vembu BDR for virtualized environments, we carry on examining Vembu’s migration capabilities. We all know that backing up your data is only one part of the equation. The ability to recover is the other, and arguably more important, side. This is where Vembu …

VMware: Was VMworld Barcelona a Swan Song or a Rally to Arms?

VMware’s VMworld conference season is now over. Its Barcelona shindig has just finished and everybody has flown home, is flying home, or is winding down on the beaches of the Catalonian coast pending the upcoming OpenStack summit. I did not attend the Las Vegas event; however, from what I have gathered from speaking to folks who attended and …

MS Ignite Roundup

Microsoft has just wrapped up its MS Ignite conference in Atlanta. MS Ignite, which morphed from Microsoft’s TechEd conference, is the conference at which Microsoft traditionally announces and GAs its newest products and delivers its technical strategy announcements. The latest conference has not been a disappointment. This year, as expected for a tech conference, it is all about cloud, cloud, and more cloud, with a …

Is Oracle Cloud 2.0 a Weather System Too Late?

Last week was Oracle OpenWorld. It was held in San Francisco at the Moscone Center, which surprised me. I had thought it was closed for refurbishment, as this was the reason VMware had given for holding its annual US shindig in Las Vegas this year. It seems like Oracle must always have a public enemy number one. Those …