Oracle v. HP: Yet Another Rumble in the Jungle for the DB Giant

One of the most litigious companies in the valley is Oracle. It is currently in the throes of planning an appeal against a judgement over its Java product. It is well known that HP and Oracle do not play nice in the corporate playground. Larry Ellison famously stated in 2010 that it would be “virtually impossible” for the two companies to …

Why Do You Need an SD-WAN?

The vast majority of companies—any companies that have multiple sites or remote access workers—need to consider the question “Why do I need an SD-WAN?” This is no longer just the purview of the large enterprise. First, a definition is in order.  SDxCentral defines the SD-WAN as follows: The software-defined wide area network (SD–WAN) is a specific application of …

A Busy Week for Acquisitions

Most people have heard about recent Microsoft’s recent $26.2B acquisition of LinkedIn. You may also be aware of VMware’s purchase of Arkin and Symantec’s of Blue Coat, which they announced on June 13. My colleague Edward Haletky discusses these acquisitions here. CenturyLink announced its purchase of ElasticBox on June 14. June 16 brought further announcements of acquisitions, these being Samsung’s purchase of Joyent and …

A Bit of History Repeats Itself: CSC Buys HPE Technology Services Division

In 2008, HP (now part of the newly split-off HPE) bought Electronic Data Systems (EDS) for $13.9 billion, a massive amount for what at the time was one of the biggest IT services players in the market space, behind IBM. This was whilst HP’s services division languished in fifth place, behind both Accenture and Fujitsu.