Changing the Guard: Goodbye Flex Web Client—Hello HTML5, Baby

They’re changing the guard at Buckingham Palace. This is a major tourist attraction in London, and the changing of the guard happens every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, weather permitting. “Changing the guard” is also a well-known refrain used to signify the complete change of an environment. VMware is currently undergoing such a transformation with …

Round One in Social Media and First Amendment Rights

I recently wrote an article about a potential class action court case being brought against the President of the United States by the Knight Foundation. In the article, I posited that public servants who use their private social media accounts to make work-related statements may run the risk of causing their accounts to become public …

Another One Bites the Dust: AWS and Azure Kill Off Another Competitor in GoDaddy

One more cloud vendor has found out that unless you go big, you get wet. GoDaddy has decided to move out of the public cloud market, which it entered with much flag waving and fanfare in March of 2016. This is starting to be a common theme, with vendor after vendor giving up the ghost. VMware recently …