Browsium Release Candidate available: time to put Internet Explorer Virtualization issues to bed?

Application Virtualization allows users to use potentially conflicting software in the same workspace. Towards the end of 2010 there was a great deal of discussion about the complexity of using application virtualization to finally let corporations end their dealings with the recalcitrant Internet Explorer 6.
In Virtualizing Internet Explorer: Microsoft takes the ball home and goes home we discussed why solving IE6 issues with Application Virtualization is difficult. Then, in December we reported that Browisum had crafted a lifeline and suggested a release date around the end of 2010.
To quote Robert Burns “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley”. Still,  Browsium have announced the release candidate to their beta testers. With its release is it time to put IE8 compatibility issues to bed?
Browsium declare that with UniBrows, your organization will be able to enjoy:

  • Application compatibility with your existing IE6-based web applications.
  • Easy deployment and management, unlike virtualization solutions.
  • Simple migration today, then replace your ageing applications when you’re ready.
  • Greater security and ease of use because IE6 only renders the sites you choose.
  • Granular control over ActiveX controls and registry settings for all web applications, even modern ones running in IE8.

I’ve been working with UniBrows since the initial beta release. Their iterative development process has been responsive to feedback and comment from me and a wide variety of testing organisations. Unibrows may be a small new company, yet I’ve been impressed with the quick response their helpdesk has, and their ability to escalate to engineering in the event of an application issue.
What I’ve been working on is straightforward to deploy and configure for a number of instances There are things I’d like to see in that aren’t – but if they continually strove to meet every single requirement, they’d never be able to release – and they do have a more definite release date. I’m looking forward to walking you through it on its release.
Why say it with flowers when you can say it with Browsium?
Thinking of chocolates and wine as a gift for February? Wouldn’t your loved really prefer an end to you complaining about having to take two browsers into the office? Browsium is anticipating general availability in the middle of February.
Is it going to be useful? One of the reasons for considering this solution is, not only to be able to tell you about it – but because a company I work with is faced with a re-write of their CRM system to accomodate IE8. Expected cost of that project is $150,000+. Using Unibrows would save over 90% of that cost.
Well worth a little extra wait.