Cloud storage built with security in mind. If you have not heard of Cloud-Clout before, then let me be the first to introduce you to the Cloud-Clout Platform as a Service (PaaS) systems to deliver Cloud-Clout Software as a Service (SaaS) for secure cloud data storage. Cloud-Clout has offices in both the Ukraine and North Palm Beach, Florida. This makes Cloud-Clout a local home team company for me, and one that is presenting a much more secure option for public cloud-based storage. Who wouldn’t be into that?

What makes Cloud-Clout different, and what makes it secure? Let me give you some insight on how the Cloud-Clout platform works. First, you need to think of Cloud-Clout as your centralized storage platform, which is connected to different independent public cloud storage. Think of different services like Google Drive, Microsoft One Cloud, Box, and Yandex.Disk. Cloud-Clout takes incoming data and slices up the files into smaller pieces. A special algorithm encrypts these smaller pieces and then distributes these smaller encrypted pieces to independent storage platform data centers around the world. This model lets Cloud-Clout utilize a redundant array of independent clouds to prevent data loss and ensure that users’ files are always accessible for any device anywhere.

There is also a level of performance that comes with this platform in that a user will never have to worry if any one server is down or having any performance problems at any given time. Cloud-Clout has built-in intelligence enabling it to find and ignore broken or under performing servers and to move on to the one that reports back with the highest speeds. With redundant copies, there is no single point of failure for any of the encrypted pieces of distributed data.

There is some setup that users need to do. Users must register themselves on four different cloud storage services (e.g., Google Drive,, etc.) to start. Then, Cloud-Clout diffuses the user’s data among them. When it’s time to retrieve the data, users simply launch the Cloud-Clout app to access all of the connected clouds to see all of their data in one folder. What’s more, users can easily synchronize their data among their connected devices (e.g., smartphone, tablet, laptop, PC, etc.)

Cloud-Clout is very much in its infancy, in that currently it is offering a free alpha version of Cloud-Clout (with limited functionality) that is available for Android users to test. More information can be found here. Cloud-Clout’s Kickstarter offering is now available at Cloud-Clout is seeking support to complete the final development of its Android and iOS mobile apps. For a $14 USD pledge, contributors will receive a three-month subscription to Cloud-Clout. For $19 USD, they will receive a six-month subscription. For $29 USD, the first 500 contributors will receive a one-year subscription. After the 500 “early bird specials” are claimed, contributors can receive a one-year subscription for $49 USD.

In closing, I do not usually support startups, especially this early in the process, but I am very supportive of technology that is built with the idea of security first. To be frank and honest, I have to wonder why in the world it took this long for someone to come up with this. How long will it take for it to take off, and how long will it be until we can find this kind of technology in our corporate data centers? Companies that support multiple data centers in different geographical locations are in a position to implement something like this. For that reason, I hope that Cloud-Clout might consider developing a corporate private cloud option as well as the public cloud storage. This is something, in my humble opinion, that has the potential to be fully accepted with open arms in the corporate as well as consumer markets. I hope Cloud-Clout fully realizes and capitalizes on this humble opinion. Finally, we have cloud storage built with security in mind.