We are curious about which cloud or clouds everyone uses, as the market is rather diverse, ranging from Amazon Web Services to clouds based on OpenStack, VMware vCloud, and community clouds that meet specific needs. Are you using multiple clouds, just one cloud, or no clouds? We’d like to hear your answers to these questions. We have our heads in the clouds, as we not only write about them here but also use clouds in our daily business. This will be the first in a series of polls in which we invite you to share your opinions by voting. We’ll share the results of these polls with you in return.

We see lots of cloud usage within many organizations. Offerings today range from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to Software as a Service (SaaS), Desktop as a Service (DaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). We’ll start the polls with IaaS and move toward the other types of clouds in the future.
Our goal with these polls is to get a feeling for where we are as an industry. We read a lot of hype. Now, we want to know the reality. We have written about the hidden dependencies of the cloud, the reality of the cloud, and the need for a good architecture for management, security, data protection, and development.
These are all important considerations when using, choosing, and migrating to a cloud.
[poll id=3]

In this poll, please share which cloud or clouds you use, as well as the type of cloud you use. With this data, we can determine where the industry is in relation to the cloud. Later polls will be about the percentage within a cloud, the security tools in use, and the reason behind your use of clouds. We will also look at SaaS, DaaS, and PaaS-based clouds.
Thank you for your participation.

2 replies on “Which Cloud Do You Use?”

  1. I would like to know how many different clouds people are using. Also, if they are able to share date between all their cloud instances and how they are accessing them: DaaS, VDI, or traditional desktops.
    — KB
    Karen J. Bannan, commenting on behalf of IDG and VMware.

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