End-To-End Virtual Environment Security

Have you ever wondered how all the virtualization security tools fit together? Wait no longer as we have a new White Paper that will tell you this information. How do products from Altor Networks, Catbird Security, Reflex Systems, HyTrust, Tripwire, and others fit within your virtual environment?
The End-to-End Virtual Environment Security white paper is a living document that will change as the market space changes. One thing that has changed recently (last month) was the decision from Tripwire to drop their vWire product which was very useful for diagnostics and possible early detection of issues even so diagnostics of this nature did not jive with the security and compliance direction of the company.
Many diagnostic tools can be used for virtualizaiton security however, this is mainly a “off label” use of a given tool. There are very few true virtualization security tools, and this white paper fits them within your virtual environment.

4 replies on “End-To-End Virtual Environment Security”

  1. Pingback: End-To-End Virtual Environment Security | The Virtualization Practice | VirtualizationDir - Top Virtualization Providers, News and Resources
  2. An e2e virtual security environment my address data requirements, or the ability to apply data assurance policies and related practices/technologies as data moves from the client, through networks, databases, applications and infrastructure. Some of the technology options are encryption and key management, aliasing, bit splicing, data disbursal, de-identification, others.
    I’d also like to see a TCO component added to the e2e paper. For example, how would an end user determine the cost and value of virtual security integrations? Maybe a model with a few examples?

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