It is that time of year again. Wow, another year has gone by so quickly. If you are reading this post, then most likely you have heard about VMworld 2015, which is happening at the end of this month in San Francisco. I am happy to say that I have the privilege of attending the conference again this year. This annual virtualization reunion is a chance to see people you only get to see once a year, though you probably have been communicating with each other in the meantime. If you are attending this year, I hope our paths can cross sometime during the week.

If you are a VMware rookie, I would like to share my priorities for when you come to the show and hopefully pass along a tip or two. One of the most important things is a reminder that all the sessions are recorded and will be available online shortly after the show—the point being that if you miss a presentation you were looking forward to hearing, you will still be able to listen to it later.

Personally, not counting scheduled meetings, I like to keep my time flexible. What I mean by that is that for me, networking is one of my most important reasons for attending VMworld each year. You never know whom you might cross paths with, presenting an opportunity for some good conversation and insight along the way.

In regards to technology this year, I find myself having the most interest in cloud, orchestration, and automation. These will be my main focus when looking at the different exhibits on the expo floor. This has been my primary focus the last couple of years—truth be told, I have been an automation junkie for quite a while now.

The next tip has to do with the swag from the show. Make sure you have enough room for all the shirts, pens, and other trinkets the vendors will be passing out. You will also have a new backpack full of goodies that you will need to make room for. If you purchase any books from the bookstore, consider having the books shipped home rather than carrying them back with you.

Another question that I have heard asked more than once is “What is the proper attire?” Well, to be honest, that depends on your personal definition. I know people who have worn shorts all week and others who attend in a suit. So, that is really up to you, but I would like to encourage you to wear something comfortable; it is going to be a long week. Whatever you do, VMworld is not the place to break in new shoes. If you want to get new shoes to wear during the show, get them now so they are broken in before you arrive at the conference.

Regardless of what your focus and your plans are for the conference, be okay when plans change, and be sure to dress comfortably during the week. Make an effort to meet new people, and take the time to find the people with whom you would most like to share thoughts and ideas. If you miss a session offering an opportunity to talk with someone new, no worries: you can listen to the presentations later, because after all, it is that time of year again.

5 replies on “It Is That Time of Year Again”

  1. I would also like to suggest the following:

    * bring a jacket, San Francisco can get cold at night (< 60 degree F sometimes) * STAY HYDRATED, VMworld provides a water bottle and is a good tool to stay hydrated * leave room to move around on your schedule, Moscone has 3 buildings and you need time to get from one to the other * The VMworld Labs are great resources but if you cannot get to the Labs, they will often be online after the show * Use the Hang Space as a place to get off your feet and take a breather Did I say Stay Hydrated? Very important!

  2. I also like to follow the hashtag of the conference on Twitter. There is no way to attend all sessions but following the stream on Twitter gives you the high points of the sessions that you cannot make. There are usually some classic quotes and big announcements that you can see in your stream that you would miss if you were not in the right sessions.

  3. VMworld is a long event, you need to look after yourself.
    Make sure you are rested before you leave home. Get a few good nights sleep in the bank, you will get less sleep at VMworld.
    I take a B group vitamin supplement, it helps with the fatigue.
    Make sure not to suffer the 3 pm slump, eat something a couple of hours after lunch to keep your energy up.

  4. Use the hang space, there are alot of well know bloggers and vEXPERTS that loiter with intent around in there, it is a good place for conversations and to rest your weary feet, Edwards point on Hydration is absolutely on point, the Moscone center is Airconditioned to the point of Gobi Desert ariditiy. Not hydrating properly will lead to sore feet and calfs.

    Attending sessions is great but remember that all sessions are recorded and available for download post conferance and free to all attendees,

    My main tip is Network, Network, Network. Speak to the bloggers and vEXPERTs, we do not bite! we have been awarded vEXPERT status because we blog, evanalise and talk about Virtualization, Cloud and EUC, it is our life blood, and it is not very often that you get access to so many experts at a one time. So take advantage.

  5. Here’s a real pro tip.

    You don’t need that new VMworld 2015 backpack.

    The one you got in 2012 is probably still as good as the day you got it, you might even have it slung over your shoulder as you queue to register this year.

    Sell the new one on Ebay and donate the money to one of the many backpack for kids programs. It may be a little late for this school year, but the money is always welcome.

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