This post is a little indulgent. Ever since our first ever post in May of 2009, our equivalent of a “Hello World,” we have been privileged to have many companies as sponsors. It is this sponsorship that allows us to do the work that we do.

Our First Post
Our First Post

We are a small, some would say boutique, analyst company, solely focused on the virtualization, cloud, and EUC space. We post our knowledge freely to our readers. This information is free directly because of our sponsors, and I would like to thank them.

Over the past six years, we have helped over 100 companies, ranging from Microsoft, VMware, and Citrix to the smallest of startups plying their trade in the virtualization, cloud, and EUC space. We have offered advice on how to go to market in the case of the startups and those pioneering into new markets, advice on how to message their products to gain that all-important first sale and subsequent sales, advice for companies that were still in stealth on their product direction. We feel that in some small way we have aided in their success.

What prompted this piece of nostalgia? Basically, the recent acquisitions of two of our sponsors by other companies, namely Virtustream by EMC and BlueStripe by Microsoft. These acquisitions got me thinking of those companies that were once sponsors and what has happened to them as they have moved on. So, without further ado, below is a list of those companies that we have been privileged to have as sponsors and that have since been acquired:

  • AFORE Solutions became CloudLink and was acquired by EMC
  • Akorri was purchased by NetApp
  • BlueStripe was acquired by Microsoft
  • Cloupia was acquired by Cisco
  • Confio was acquired by SolarWinds
  • Convirture was acquired by Accelerite
  • Coradiant was acquired by BMC
  • DynamicOps was acquired by VMware
  • Gale Technologies was acquired by Dell
  • GreenBytes was acquired by Oracle
  • HighCloud Security was acquired by HyTrust
  • Hyper9 was acquired by SolarWinds
  • ManageIQ was acquired by Red Hat
  • Marketry was acquired by VMware
  • Neebula was acquired by ServiceNow
  • newScale was acquired by Cisco
  • OPNET was acquired by Riverbed
  • Pancetera was acquired by Quantum
  • PerfectDisk was acquired by Raxco Software
  • Platform Computing was acquired by IBM
  • Quest Software was acquired by Dell
  • RingCube was acquired by Citrix
  • rPath was acquired by SAS
  • ScaleXtreme was acquired by Citrix
  • Surgient was acquired by Dell
  • Parts of Virtual Bridges was acquired by NIMBOXX
  • Virtual Computer was acquired by Citrix
  • Virtustream was acquired by EMC
  • Vizioncore was acquired by Quest Software and subsequently by Dell
  • VKernel was acquired by Dell
  • Vyatta was acquired by Brocade
  • Wanova was acquired by VMware

You have to admit, that is quite an acquisition rate: over 30% of the companies that were TVP sponsors have been acquired. It is something that we are rightly proud of. Of the other companies that have been sponsors, several have gone on to IPO, and others are still plying their trade successfully.