As we mentioned back in October, AppSense were working on a  solution for user installed applications.
AppSenseLabs have indeed released StrataApps, the long awaited User Managed Applications Solution. StrataApps enables you to:

  • Securely introduce applications into a sandboxed environment, completely separate to your underlying desktop environment, even in a locked down desktop and without the need for Admin Rights!
  • Self-service ‘Follow Me Applications’ between your various computing devices.

Ultimately, this means IT can now focus on the delivery of core business applications and users have the freedom to take advantage of self-service application delivery which can roam with them between devices, even combining user introduced plug-in’s and add-on’s with business delivered virtualized applications!
Unlike existing Application Virtualization solutions, StrataApps provides the ability for users to install and manage their own critical applications into an isolated environment and then access these applications in a seamless manner.  Separating the application(s) from the desktop could pave the way for Bring Your Own Computer strategies as these applications can be stored on network devices or external hard drives and then accessed from the new desktop/device.
AppSense StrataApps is the first self-service application virtualization solution to work in physical desktop environments, not just virtual desktop environments, allowing users to separate applications from their base desktop build.
You can download the installation and configuration guides from AppSense Labs.
We will of course, be bringing you a more complete review and analysis of this later.

One reply on “News: AppSense Labs Releases AppSense StrataApps for Free”

  1. Neat…. But it is beta!! Not 1st to market released product. Liquidware Labs (not AppSense Labs not Stratusphere by LWL or StratusApps by AppSense lol!!) has had a UIA beta for since end of 2011 and is nearing GA.

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