News: Submit a Question to VMworld’s 2009 VMTN “Ask the Experts” Panel

I am proud to say that for the second year I will be participating in the Ask The Experts session at VMworld which is being held in San Francisco, CA, this year.

The other members of the panel are Rick Scherer, Chad Sakac, Scott Lowe, and Duncan Epping.

As normal we will be taking questions on virtualization design and operations.  However, this part is a departure from the norm. If you have a question that you would like to see answered during the session, here is your opportunity to submit it in advance!

Use the form below to submit your question for inclusion in the Ask The Experts session.  Now there is no guarantee that your question will be chosen as due to time constraints the panel can only select a small number of questions to be answered during the start of the session, as we will also be keeping the traditional “Questions from the floor” section of the Session.  However, this will be a way to kick off the session and also “hide” those quite times when the audience gets shy.

So thanks in advance,  and the other panel members and I are looking forward to seeing many of you in San Francisco later this year!

So Simply fill out the form below and your submission will be sent for review, around the beginning of August we will be notifying the submission owners if we will be using their submission or not.