Nivio have announced a DaaS solution aimed at SME space. Offering access to Microsoft Windows on any device, rentable applications, and data storage in the cloud, it sounds as if Nivio’s service could be just the ticket for the tablet wielding, dead-PC shunning organisations with a workforce who have their own devices, and need to team collaboration with access to Windows based applications.
The thing is, this road has been trodden before: it is a rocky one. OnLive attempted to offer a solution and failed. Even Desktone had a strategy that attempted to directly appeal to this segment but found the return on effort too miserly.
Yet, Nivio have created a service offering delivering Windows applications to Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices. A web service providing common file storage to store user and group files for that can be syncronised to devices to work offline for editing directly, or automatically made available within the public cloud hosted Windows desktop service. A desktop service that has an on-demand, rentable application interface. User management is in your own hands. While Nivio are targeting their market at the 20-50 user sized organisation space which suggests small business, Nivio are getting a number of calls from project teams in larger organisations.
What are Nivio doing that is different? Will this model be successful? What, if anything, can be learned by other DaaS providers, and what in turn could be learned by Nivio?
What a DaaS Provider needs to Get Right
Key deliverables for DaaS providers are:
- Allow new application support: Delivering a Windows virtual desktop is known and scalable. But a desktop without applications is an expensive way to run Minesweeper. What is the cost model, and time-frame for on-boarding a new application in your cloud based desktop?
- Security and authentication: Do you need a new domain and userid, or can you utilise your existing one? Is it to be separation from your environment or integration? Indeed, do you have a domain?
- Access to corporate resources: moving to Win7 and Office 365 is all very well, but what about the archived documents? The last 5 years of sales data? Your CRM system? Your intranet? Your finance system?
- Persistence of settings will your users spend 20 minutes a day setting up their email signatures, their printers, mapping their drives, their bookmarks: or is that user environment configuration automated?
- Focus on experience – Have you considered how the user experience will be when the reliance is on a pure remote protocol delivery? It can be viable: but what do you do when it isn’t? What experiences are sacrificed? Is it possible to report on that user experience so if (or when?) users say their service is poor there is empirical evidence of their experience?
In terms of what Nivio do for their current DaaS release, the answers are simple: “yes”, “no (but)”, “no (but)”, “yes”, and “ah, well…”.
Nivio – Cloud based Workspace
Nivio’s first release offering is relatively simple. Once you’re signed up you’ve access to a standard looking file share interface that has folders for your personal use (10GB per user, with a fee for additional space) and folders that can be shared among the users of your organisation.

You are also able to launch a Windows desktop using the Launch nDesktop link. Windows and Mac users can install a Nivio branded client; iPad/iPhone/Android devices can opt to install a free application from Wyse. Or, you can use a zero install HTML5 client if you have access to Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Launching the desktop gets you a Windows 2008R2 session host session. The desktop application setup and settings remain persistent between sessions, and it is possible for users to switch an active virtual desktop between devices. Within the virtual desktop environment, you can access drive mappings that relate to the file share web interface environment. You also have the option to add in a range of applications from Nivio’s nApp interface.
The nApp application set includes 37 free applications (the likes of Chrome, Open Office, Skype, Yammer), and 6 rentable applications (MS Office, Project, Visio and Quickbooks Pro) with all these having a rental period of a minimum of 30 days.

The authentication method is currently focused on a username/password dedicated to this environment: there is no integration with local Active Directory environments, or with other authentication services. Still, perhaps for the team, setting up new unique userids and passwords for this service isn’t overly complex.
There is a reporting service available although it is focused on reporting login counts and usage rather than user experience.
Nivio – more than a simple Cloud-based Windows Desktop?
Nivio deliver an Amazon based cloud service running Microsoft Windows RDS with a customised environment for load balancing. The service is built on Microsoft RDS, so it is a Windows x64 environment, a session based service rather than a dedicated desktop OS. There are advantages in having a dedicated desktop OS delivered as a virtual machine, but for the delivery of this type of application set, and to help keep costs low across devices, a session based (aka Terminal Services/Presentation Virutalisation) is the better platform choice. You do have the ability to add applications into the environment, all be it the applications come from Nivio’s own application portfolio. In order to add additional applications you will have to speak to Nivio (there has been a range of policies and settings in place to block self-installs).
There are local clients (I experienced a layout issue with the Android version of the Wyse client that is apparently being fixed). Or web based with an HTML5 browser which utilizes Ericom’s Access Now HTML5 technology (which has come on commendably since I looked at it in 2011). As a Windows 7, Samsung tablet and Chromebook user, I found the experience of connecting to the service reliable. Only, if only, audio in HTML5 was bi-directional, then I could actually use Skype on my Chromebook <shakes fist at sky>.
Yes, not all applications are supported: but there are reasons for this. If you’ve experienced Amazon’s app store in comparison to Google’s wider Play store – you’ll have had a similar experience. In order to test and validate applications, both for compatibility and licensing, Nivio manage the available application list. That said, for many, the range of applications will make this desktop experience viable: Office productivity is there, in both Microsoft and non-Microsoft guises; if you want or need access to Java or a Silverlight in a browser on your tablet, from or your Chromebook – that is available too.
But, what about performance? The service is no better or worse than a well resourced session based/hosted desktop service. If you’ve a stable wi-fi connection, broadband, or a good 4G signal performance is typically acceptable. 3G is usable, although prone to pausing and lagging. The HTML5 client gives a fair attempt at video and audio delivery. For sure, 3D rendering applications aren’t available, but do will the majority of the target market need them? The Wyse client has a tidy mouse and keyboard interface which makes tablet use of the service tolerable. Smartphone use is frustrating: but really, a Windows desktop on <7″ screen size? You’ll go blind.
Most importantly.. what about the SLA? For corporate desktop users Nivio’s terms and conditions will give concern. Storage “may be” in the USA it reads. The service is provided “as-is”, “with all faults” and “as available”. Then again, perhaps for collaborating on documents between a team using a range of devices, these particular issues aren’t overly important in comparison to the more pressing need to start collaborating.
Nivio – Cloud-based Consumerised Workspace?
The focus from Nivio is on marketing their solution to small organisations (30-50 users). These businesses are unlikely to have custom applications. They want to share documents. Very likely they want to be able to run use a tablet/non-Windows device as well as a laptop/PC/Mac. Their application demands for a Windows environment will be common, and custom applications more likely to be web-based.
Yes, there are issues for printing or bi-directional audio when using the HTML5 client. Yes, there are issues in areas of poor data connectivity. Ideally there would be a more comprehensive collaboration environment. Yet, for the user sizes of the target market while these features might be on a future requirements list, what is available now can be good enough.
That said, the need for data protection and access for a small company is high: lose the data, or lose access to the service and business is lost: and lost business is lost money. Again, perhaps this is a service that compliments existing environments; allowing a syncronisation between laptops and tablets rather than a sole service. It is competitively priced. As a version 1, go to market service the usage experience is slick. Encryption of local data, allowing access to data from other applications on tablets, backup and recovery: such services can be added if demand requires.
What Nivio’s service as-is shows, is the concept of providing one service (a virtual desktop) is be limited. In-a-box solutions are not going to win business serving this number of users: the start-up costs and service delivery is high. Pure virtual desktop services need to be able to cater for off-line working. There are a range of DaaS providers who offer virtual desktops at a similar service price: GoCloud, Vesk, for instance: it may well be there’ll be comments and suggestions on others. These providers are also offering similarly priced services, but with a focus on delivering all components within the virtual desktop.
Nivio’s impressive setup, configuration and collaboration experience is appealing as it doesn’t rely on a pure VM based service. That said, Nivio’s SLA for data sharing and VM access could be an Achilles heel. We’ve asked before what should a cloud based SLA look like. Vesk, for instance, offers a 99.9% SLA for the virtual desktop instances in their datacentre, with multi-site data replication and additional service options for dedicated fail-over links. As Nivio takes more users on-board, its reputation is ever reliant on availability and access.
That said, Nivio’s ability to offer of a set of services for both off-line and on-line use across a range of devices is key. Their provision of administration directly to account holders is also different. Their use of HTML5 as a zero client is an option that more than just me will find more. In this respect, a service more useful to smaller organisations than a pure virtual desktop service.
All of these components are available to other service providers, but its the first time I’ve seen them all joined together effectively within a generally available DaaS offering. There is definitely a sizeable market wanting to use such services. I’ve seen similar attempts but not as complete. Which is perhaps odd. Citrix resellers for example have a range of XenApp, ShareFile and Podio services. Microsoft partners have RDS, Skydrive and Office 365 to call on. Ericom are not the only company offering a viable HTML5 client. A question for Nivio is how long will it be in this relatively unique service offering position.
I have not seen Ericom’s Access Now HTML5 tech being used by multiple real users in the wild before, but for SMB knowledge workers this would work based on your experience. You can live without bi-directional audio if you have a good wired IP phone on your desk which is common in the SMB now. Skype ?
VOIP/SIP = better quality calls and cheaper calls, Skype is for IM and cybersex.
What I dont like. Amazon. Sorry, their cloud service is not reliable enough to base thousands of SMBs critical working infrastructure on and we have just seen their darling fall during the Xmas period because of ‘user error’. Its just not acceptable Netflix is down during the holiday period, unforgivable and its a recurring theme.
The temptation to offload your infra to a third party is all well and good, but as a DaaS provider you have an obligation to be directly responsible for the infra team oiling your desktops and Amazon does not and will not ever give you that. If Nivio are serious about the SMB market they need to OWN their infra and infra team, even if they do not actually own them, direct line and feedback in an out of the core.
Plus Amazon is expensive, what are they idiots ? Does this imply they are in the software business rather than the desktop business ? Is this an indicator that they do not have their own proper DaaS engineering team who knows how to build proper DaaS infrastructure ? Amazon ? Big fucking red flag, excuse the F word but its required.
My next issue is commoditisation of DaaS, can it be done ? Not from where I am standing, DaaS implementations require a dedicated full time migration team who can properly handle the expectations, doubts, cold feet caused by a change of desktop experience and looking at their desktop, a reduced user experience.
So, I do agree that most of the SMBs do not have many apps that will need migrating, but they will almost always have one or three, if they do not have an infra team, how good is their support team and migration team ? If its not great, then the TS/RDS HVD boys will eat their breakfast and lunch for them.
No, DaaS nor HVD can be commoditised and sold like domain names and hosting, anyone who believes this is a fool, take it from one who knows.
For sure this kind of desktop would serve a specific kind of user, but none of the HTML5 clients are as good as HDX/Receiver and why would you want to inflict this desktop on your users, if you wanted to piss them off you would.
Nivio have not solved SMB Daas is my call, although I am sure they will pick up some customers IF the price point is attractive enough.
Which it never will be if they stay on Amazon, not to compete with the HVD boys serving the 20-50 desktop market right now. They are good Andrew too those HVD boys and their estates are huge and rapidly growing, they have their own big engineering and support teams teams, they are solid pro’s, at least the ones run by my buddies are.
Prediction : No competition in the 20-50 seat cloud desktop space from Nivio, the HVD boys are too strong and deliver a better all round experience. There can be no real DaaS for the 10-50 desktop space, the HVD boys have it covered.
I disagree. I think the experience of purchasing 20-50 desktops & admin once setup could improve. And I think DaaS can be commoditised: because ultimately you’re selling a platform for apps – and apps are commoditised.
What could make a difference here (I think) is if a user’s persona could be virtualised such that it sat in a transferable cloud storage location. Where it stored important data, such as your macros settings, your mail app preferences, your angry bird score.
That said, I’d agree with you in highlighting availability – a “take it or leave it” approach is fast – but it could also be furious.
Perhaps the ultimate way to go is to virtualise the app and deliver locally for rentable use: a model very much adopted by the games industry. Then your fallback (for non-native apps) is your HTML5 interface.
HI ,
Interesting comments . Though the whole discussion about if the DAAS can be commoditised or not is very subjective . My take on that is ” It will work if the performance is at least 80% of that of a desktop and you are doing business in some western country where Piracy is not all that easy and safe ”
But one thing is for sure all this can not be achieved by Nivio as they are trying it from last 6 years without a single customer . Now when they have already fired most of the engineers in most unethical way possible ( Just ran away over night by locking India office , Without paying 50+ employees ) .
May be a Microsoft can do it if this market can be worth 3-5 billions as they have the advantage of having unlimited Windows licences and knowledge to tweak it to suit cloud.
Or A google , HP , Oracle , Amazone , or Some Cool Startup with blessing from VC ( AS the buisness is very funds intensive to start with) can do it if Non windows OS gain momentum in SMB .
Well I agree with Guise, that a Cloud infrastructure owned by a third party (amazon) that has shown that reliability isn’t their core competence is a major risk to any cloud service provider. From the European side we even have some more challenges when you want to build real business solutions on 3rd party infrastructure – privacy regulations in Europe are very fierce and are becoming even more strict after the Tempora and PRISM scandals.
So from a European standpoint nivio lack the foundation to gain traction in a very critical and currently very sceptic market.
So who then could win the race for SMB Desktop-as-a-Service market?
My bet would go to the smaller companies and startups in the market as you need the flexibility to adapt the offering to SMB needs. SMBs by themselves are more flexible than enterprise customers and therefore the scenarios with SMB customers are constantly evolving. Further I do not see a single vendor for a worldwide market, as the needs and regulations in the different regions are too different – just have a look at the ISP market. So tucloud and us at tocario have good chances.
BTW Sandy: the startup for non windows OS you are talking about is us 😉 – we just got Non-Windows Cloud Desktops patented.