Analytics as Code

We all need performance and capacity management tools to fine tune our virtual and cloud environments, but we need them to do more than just tell us there may be problems. Instead, we need them to find root causes for problems, whether those problems are related to code, infrastructure, or security. The new brand of …

Containers: Innovation or Evolution? Will They Rule the World?

The latest and greatest thing in the data center is apparently containers. For those of us with long enough teeth to remember the heady days of the early millennium, they look and smell a lot like Solaris Zones. Containers in their current incarnations are garnering a great deal of attention, especially in the DevOps world, …

How Many Models Should a Hyperconverged Vendor Have?

One of the key features of a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) solution is appliance-based scale-out architecture. A workload is housed on a collection of these appliances, which are the standard building blocks. The number of blocks is selected to deliver sufficient resources for the workload. But just how standard are these building blocks? Over time, I’ve seen HCI vendors …