RedHat Summit: All about Containers

I had the opportunity to attend Red Hat Summit and DevNation. Nearly every answer to any question at both these events was to “use containers” to solve that problem. While some responses were undoubtedly true, others were not quite as completely true. Yes, you can use containers to solve many problems, but what was often …

IT Transformation: Starts with a Plan

IT transformation is the discussion of the year. The question is how to transform IT into a hybrid cloud environment, or even into a fully cloud environment. This implies often subtle as well as pretty major changes to traditional IT environments. People change and processes change, just as tools change. Virtual Thoughts, our weekly video …

Whatever Happened to Mobile Virtualization?

Whatever happened to mobile virtualization? Just a couple years ago, there seemed to be a ton of hype about mobile virtualization. The goal was to be able to run multiple isolated virtual instances on a single physical device. I remember walking the expo floor during the VMworld conference that year and seeing all the demo …

Who Will Debug?

There is a growing push for people to learn less about the systems in which they run their applications. It started with converged infrastructures and moved into hyperconverged, and now I see it continue to grow with Docker and other container technologies. This puzzles me. While it makes the developer’s life easier, does it really …

Leostream — The One Broker to Rule Them All

Over the years, I’ve worked with just about every VDI vendor on the market, except one: Leostream. It’s not because the Leostream Connection Broker isn’t any good. Far from it. It’s just because I’ve never experienced an environment so complex that Leostream offered the right answer. So I thought it time to take a closer …