Appliance Makers Simplify VDI Adoption

The growing availability of prepackaged appliances is making VDI increasingly attractive for customers who value the benefits of VDI. It is not only customers that benefit from this increased simplicity, smaller system integrators lack the appropriate skills to size and sell complex in VDI infrastructure environments can take advantage of these appliance-based solutions to compete with larger system integrators that have led the way in VDI implementation services.

Defense in Depth: Authentication and Authorization

On the 7/29 Virtualization Security podcast we continued our discussions on defense in depth. We discussed authentication and authorization with IdentityLogix. IdentityLogix provides a unique solution that correlates users and groups against VMware vSphere’s own role based access control stores. In other words, IdentityLogix can identify if a user or group within active directory has more access to VMware vSphere’s management tools than they were intended to be allowed based not only on the user’s username but on the groups in which the user belongs. Why is this important to know?

VMworld 2012: Dell grows VDI Services

In the face of declining PC revenues and slowing storage sales VMworld San Francisco saw the launch of two new Wyse P Class Zero Clients, two new EqualLogic hybrid storage arrays and three new reference architectures optimized for VMware View, signaling a clear intent from Dell that it is getting serious about VDI.