Is Dazzle Really the Future?

Citrix’s release of the new Dazzle TechPreview “puts the personal back into computing”. Dazzle is said to make self-service IT a reality, giving users simple access to apps and IT services, in order to bring the economics of the web to enterprise IT
But, is such service really what Citrix should be focusing development time on, would such a service give business benefit, and can Dazzle be utilised in an Enterprise Architecture?

A Merger Scenario: HP and Citrix

The industry landscape is shifting with many major players beginning to acquire companies or enter into competitive agreements with others. Either way we look at it, certain companies won’t be around a year from now. One merger that makes a lot of sense to me as an industry analyst is the marriage of HP and Citrix. In this analysis, I’ll give you some of my reasons why this looks so attractive to both companies.

VMware Forcing Third Parties to NOT Sell Products for Free ESXi

Veeam has posted a blog of their own trying to explain why they are no longer selling Veeam Backup 3.x for the Free version of VMware ESXi. It is perfectly understandable that Veeam would comply with VMware’s requests in this matter as Veeam as a company depends upon their relationship with VMware to further their own business aims. In other words, Veeam has done nothing that could be considered wrong. However, VMware making the request in the first place should be a major concern to current and future vendors of VMware products.