Technical Arc of Virtualization

While at EMC World and RSA Conference this last month, I realized something very interesting. The same people I normally see at these shows have moved on to something new and shiny, and as such they were not at the shows. However, what was at the shows was really interesting. There was much more talk …

Dell Delivers Hyperconverged XenDesktop Appliance

Two weeks ago, Virtualization Practice Analyst Jo Harder mourned the passing of Citrix VDI-in-a-Box and forecasted that its target SMB market would look to hyperconverged infrastructure appliances to deliver complexity-free VDI. Dell clearly had the same thought, because just one week later, it announced the Dell Appliance for Wyse – vWorkspace (DAW vW), a self-contained …

Look at All the Pretty Clouds!

Look at all the pretty clouds! Every day it seems like there are more and more clouds filling the sky and that trend does not appear that is going to change anytime soon. In fact the future, at least with Information Technology, seems like it is going to be entirely in some type of cloud or even multiclouds. To get a picture of where we are going let’s take a moment to look at where we have been.

Dell Appliance for Wyse — Business-Class VDI for $331 per Desktop

Toward the beginning of last month, I compared the costs of DaaS and VDI, suggesting that the difference was too small to declare a winner. The three-year cost of a bare-bones DaaS service, like Amazon WorkSpaces, comes in at about $315,000, not so far off from the $380,000 list price of a VMware EVO:RAIL–based VDI platform with …

Virtual Thoughts with Intigua

Tim MacDonald of Intigua joins us on the third episode of Virtual Thoughts, where we discuss anything and everything related to virtualization and cloud technologies, communities, and organizations. Intigua has a unique product for managing virtual machines at scale. Its product concentrates on the virtual machine substrate most often ignored by applications, developers, and end …