Rebuttal: Barriers to Community Broadband Struck Down

On February 26 in a groundbreaking announcement, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) agreed in a 3 – 2 vote to recognize the rights of two southern US cities (Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Wilson, North Carolina) to build their own publicly owned high-speed Internet networks in areas where incumbents had refused to invest in modern infrastructure to support high-speed broadband connectivity.

Mobile Devices and Desktops = Secure, Virtualized Applications?

With the number of mobile devices in use now surpassing that of desktops worldwide, the application virtualization requirements of business mobile users continues to grow exponentially. Whether these users access their business apps from a smartphone, tablet, or—the latest buzzword—“phablet,” their common denominator is their demand for more and better business applications on the go.

Parallels Buys 2X Software

Gray-haired desktop virtualization specialists may remember Parallels as the developer of Virtuozzo Containers, a containerized application hosting solution for Windows Server that provides a halfway house between RDSH sessions and full server virtualization. Parallels is back in the desktop virtualization news after having announced its acquisition of 2X Software. This move brings mobile device management, …

News: $2,000 Network Penetration Test Changes the Cyber Security Industry

If you’ve ever engaged the services of a penetration testing company, you know they’re not cheap. In fact, it’s not unusual to feel you’ve been slapped, thrown in a bag, and hung up to dry. These types of costs can be absorbed by larger companies and enterprises, but not smaller ones, which lack the budgets to …