Is the Cloud Just So Many Legos?

I was recently looking at LegoTM parts, and I started to consider the myriad of LegosTM and the broad categories they fit within. Then I had a thought. Is the cloud just so many LegosTM? SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and DaaS are various categories of clouds. We could call them the fundamental building blocks or bricks …

Managing Legacy Java Versions

Java is currently the leading exploit vector for Windows machines, and Java vulnerabilities are packaged into many of the “exploit kits” available in the darker corners of the Internet (see Internet Explorer, Flash Player, and even the Windows operating system itself have done a good job of either improving the security of their products or …

The Hidden Benefits of DevOps

DevOps is gaining serious momentum within enterprises as of late. The big business driver is the pursuit of agility and improved reliability and quality. Adopting DevOps can be challenging because it often requires drastic changes in culture, process, and technology. Those companies that have had success with DevOps often discover some hidden benefits that they …