Educate, Upgrade, Patch, or Else..

I had a debate with a fellow technologist at Dell EMC World this year about whether the cloud is more secure than any given data center not used by a cloud provider. The argument put forth was that cloud service providers often have better security controls in place, they can auto-patch systems, etc. All in …

Software-Defined Storage for Containers Ignores Storage

Software-defined storage (SDS) within the container realm often ignores storage itself. In essence, the SDS platform assumes some chunk of storage is mapped to a container host. Then, it takes over from there. SDS for containers is the orchestration through which persistent storage is mapped to a container. This gives it a unique ability to …

Things That Go Bump in the Wire

When we think about networking, we think about things that go bump in the wire—things that place bumps in the wire. Such things could be switches, load balancers, firewalls, routers, gateways, etc. The list is not all that long, thankfully. Things that put bumps in the wire are at odds with software-defined networking (SDN). SDN …

Disaster Recovery as a Service Requirements

In our data protection research, we have discovered that there are quite a number of companies that say they do Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Just what is DRaaS? What are the basic requirements? Is using a public cloud better than using hosted DRaaS? Are there any risks? Is DRaaS just a dump-and-go? Is …