VM Escape Is NOT Your Main Worry

Too many times, virtualization and cloud security folks hear that VM Escape is the main worry of security teams. This is far harder to do than most people realize, and requires the attacker to bust through multiple layers of defense in depth! If security teams are worried about VM Escape, then they really do not …

Comparison: IT as a Service Event Management

Part of any IT management platform is the handling of events, whether that is aggregating external events, creating its own events, or passing those events on to others. There seems to be a common set of criteria for those events. So, let us look into these common criteria for handling events and compare some of the vendors …

Moving Up the Stack Does not Really Simplify Anything!

Moving up the stack does not simplify anything. Complexity increases. Let us look at this from several angles: management, security, development, networking, and storage. In essence, the entire IT stack. Because complexity increases, we need DevOps (or SecDevOps) to help us over the rough spots. We need new rules of engagement and even new ways …