Windows 8 DaaS? I Think Not.

An advertisement from MyCloudIT claiming to offer a Windows 8 DaaS caught my eye this morning. Interesting stuff. Well, maybe not. Poke a little deeper, and MyCloudIT clarifies that what you are getting is not Windows 8.1, but a “Windows 8.1 Experience.” That is to say, not Windows 8.1, and not even a desktop OS. …

Feel the Fireworks! Mark Templeton Remains CEO of Citrix

Many people in the virtualization industry have been Citrites—past or present Citrix employees—at some point in their career, and a good number of others have been involved with a Citrix partner. But regardless of their roles in the virtualization industry, all have felt the impact that Mark Templeton has had in transforming a startup company …

Microsoft Azure RemoteApp: Web-scale Client Application Hosting

Microsoft Azure RemoteApp, previously known by its codename, Mohoro, was released at TechEd 2014 in Houston last month as a public beta. What is it? Was it worth the wait? And whatever happened to Microsoft’s DaaS platform? Project Mohoro first came to light in May 2013 amid speculation that Microsoft was developing its own DaaS …

Dell & Nutanix: A Web-Scale Partnership with the XC Series

Dell and Nutanix have jointly announced the Dell XC Series of Web-scale Converged Appliances, a Dell hardware solution running Nutanix hyperconverged software, as an open-ended partnership. Available in October, the XC Series will function similarly to Nutanix’s current proprietary hardware, except that it will be based on specific (and as-yet-unannounced) configurations of Dell PowerEdge rackmount hardware, with …

RES IT Store: More of a Store Than a StoreFront

In February of this year, RES Software introduced its IT Store product, which at first glance looked (and sounded) like an application similar to Citrix’s StoreFront. However, once you scratch the surface, IT Store appears to be a lot more than just a pretty front end to some installed or streamed applications; it’s a full …