Will the SDDC Be the Norm in Two Years?

Come on, let’s get real here. The software-defined data center may become the norm in two years in the gilded cages of Silicon Valley, North Carolina’s Research Triangle, and the other “centers of excellence” out there. But in the real world—you know, the one where companies are still using NT4 servers to deliver real and …

News: Oracle v. Google — Why Is This Important?

On the 9th of May, 2014, something happened in the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit that could have massive ramifications for our fledgling cloud orchestration industry. Circuit judges with no knowledge about the software industry and how that industry works made a judgement that could pull the rug out from under the …

CumuLogic Provides Database as a Service for On-Premises Cloud Foundry

Last week, CumuLogic launched a preview edition of its Database Service Broker for Cloud Foundry, a self-service managed SQL and NoSQL database service platform. Database Service Broker provides functionality equivalent to public Database as a Service (DBaaS) platforms such as Amazon Relational Database Service (for SQL) and Amazon DynamoDB (NoSQL), but with the database hosted …

Citrix Workspace Services: Click Next, Next, Next… ?

The new Citrix Workspace Services was the major announcement at the Citrix Synergy conference last week. Citrix Workspace Services, an all-encompassing Platform as a Service (PaaS) built on Microsoft Azure, will enable service providers and enterprises to offer Citrix virtualization and cloud services to their customers. It will be in tech preview later in 2014, …

Cisco Cloud Services Positions Cisco to Compete in the Cloud

When you hear the term “cloud computing,” Amazon, Google, VMware, and Microsoft are the companies that you most likely think of first. Well, it seems Cisco Systems wants a spot on that list of companies known for their cloud services. Cisco announced in March that it plans to begin offering Cisco Cloud Services to its …

Citrix Workspace Services Promises Next Step Toward Virtual Workspace

At its annual Synergy Conference in LA’s Anaheim Convention Center on Tuesday, Citrix announced Citrix Workspace Services (CWS), its new flagship product. CWS is a management platform for controlling the creation, management, and delivery of distributed virtual workspace services across multiple public and private clouds. According to Citrix’s marketing message, CWS will design, build, and deliver amazing …