There Will Not Be Just a Few Clouds!

When many think cloud, they think Amazon AWS. Some even think Microsoft Azure. However, there is a growing trend to want more out of a cloud than those clouds can deliver—well, deliver at a cost people can afford. I am not talking about “white glove” treatment, or any other approach that wins smaller clouds business, …

Citrix Has a New President and CEO: David Henshall

In an unexpected move yesterday, Citrix announced that David Henshall has been appointed as its new president and CEO, effective immediately. The former president and CEO, Kirill Tatarinov, reportedly left the company as part of a “mutual separation decision.” During his fourteen-year tenure at Citrix, David has held various executive positions, including those of chief …

The Encryption Layer Cake

Encryption is returning to the forefront, with Microsoft claiming its approach is better than others. VMware counters with its approach, and clouds counter with theirs. None of these approaches make sense unless you understand the layers in which you can encrypt, the risks associated with those layers of encryption, and the inherent problems with encryption …