Who Runs What Hypervisor?

Have you taken any time to so who run what hypervisor? Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of articles and post about Open Stack recently that it would almost seem like everything is running on Open Stack? Seems to be that there seems to be a push to help keep Open Stack on the path to becoming more mainstream and the new partnership with Red Hat building might be just the ticket. For now, Open Stack is still going through its adolescence but has great potential to go out and really make a difference in this world. Until then, have you ever stopped to consider and look at what underlying hypervisor is supporting the clouds we all know and love?

Why Some Desktop Virtualization Users Will Pass on Mobile Device Management

Desktop virtualization and mobility management are not the same. While it’s true that you can access virtualized desktops and applications from a mobile device, there are some key differences that may cause users to rethink how much work they will do on their mobile devices.

Agile Requires Architecture, Not Methodologies

Does this scenario sound familiar? A sprint team delivers another release on time and on budget. It boasts about how much its velocity has improved and how many story points it was able to cram into a two or four-week sprint. It shows its business partners a bunch of nice, pretty charts that illustrate how …

What Will the Fallout Be as IBM Leaves the x86 Market?

With the sale of its x86 server division for $2.3B, IBM exits the marketplace it started in the early 1980s. Some have argued that this is a good move for IBM and tolls the death knell for the x86 server marketplace. “Well, if IBM is closing shop, surely the end is nigh. What with all …