Application Security: What Is the First Step?

What is the first step of application security? What is this step regardless of whether the process involved is DevOps or traditional silos? We have heard many answers before, such as architecture, code analysis, hardening, risk analysis, etc. But we have not really talked about the intersection of the user, application, data, and system. Perhaps …

Are US Tech Companies Suffering a Slow and Agonizing Death?

Are United States technology companies now suffering from a slow and antagonizing death from what is being called “The Snowden Effect”? The disclosures by the infamous or notorious former National Security Agency that gave a glimpse into the extent of the NSA worldwide spying effort that have prompted companies to avoid and or leave US technology firms in droves.

Do Users Have a Negative Perception of Desktop Virtualization?

One of the most common complaints that arises from users in the aftermath of a desktop virtualization deployment (whether it is done via pure virtual desktop interface [VDI] or some form of server based computing [SBC] solution) is that performance doesn’t measure up to their expectations. A negative image of the new platform develops and …

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again in the Cloud

There is an old saying, “the definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result.” The way many enterprises are approaching the cloud, insanity would be a great way of classifying it. When we look across most enterprises, we see a collection of technologies from every era …