Tracking the Hot Container Market

The container market is moving at the speed of light. Each vendor in this space is delivering features at an amazing pace. In fact, things are moving so fast that this article will likely be way outdated in about 2 months. It was just under two months ago when I reported on the many announcements …

Podcast with Adrian Cockcroft

I had the pleasure of recording a podcast recently with Battery Ventures Technology Fellow Adrian Cockcroft. Adrian is well known from his days at Netflix and can frequently be seen at major conferences presenting on DevOps, microservices, and cloud computing. Last month, both Adrian and I attended DockerCon in San Francisco. Our conversation started with …


Have you heard about the new movie that is out, called Tomorrowland? I can’t tell you anything about the movie, but when I saw a commercial for it on the television the other night, the title Tomorrowland got me thinking. It left me wondering about the direction technology is leading us in. What kind of …

Virtual Thoughts Ep 2: Veeam Endpoint

In Virtual Thoughts episode 2, Rick Vanover (@rickvanover) and I sit down to talk about Veeam Endpoint, the latest free product from Veeam. Endpoint provides a method for backing up your Windows endpoints to and from a backup store. That store can be managed by Veeam Backup & Replication v8 as well. This implies that …

Fewer Than 90 Days to Security Vulnerability

What is the significance of July 14, 2015? It is the end of extended support date for Windows Server 2003. This date is approaching faster than many administrators care to acknowledge, and the reality is that Windows Server 2003 just won’t be a viable operating system for production environments after that date.