Skills Needed for the Data Center of Tomorrow

Last week I did a post regarding the future in the cloud computing space that focused primarily on the large number of unfilled positions in the modern-day data center. Employment options for this space should be rich and plentiful for the next decade or so, and I think that is a great thing, but there is …

Upgrade to the Clouds

Quite a few upgrades and new products have come out over the last few months. Some have forced many people to rethink their stance toward the cloud, management of resources, and technologies involved. For many, upgrades should upgrade but not change major functionality (or at least the way they use the upgraded tool). When this …

The Future in the Cloud Technology Space

It is that time of year, at least for those of us in the United States or Canada, to pause and give thanks for the blessings of the harvest and the preceding year. This holiday gives us a moment to reflect on the good things we have in life while sharing a feast with family …

Cloud Foundry: Life Is Too Short

Pivotal’s public cloud version of Cloud Foundry really struggles with the loose integration of third-party services. To appeal to ISVs and others with real-world complexity in their applications, Pivotal needs to identify a coherent product and concentrate on delivering something that works. I tried assiduously to use it and ultimately failed. In case you think …

VMware vSphere Flash Read Cache

  I’ve written in the near past about a number of different products that are helping enterprises use flash as a cache to accelerate their traditional storage workloads. One product that is helping to push the whole market forward, if only by raising awareness of the options in this space, is VMware’s own vSphere Flash …