Moving Up the Stack — Security Take

Moving up the stack, our security posture changes. The concepts stay the same, but the posture changes. The concepts of least privilege, limited access, etc. all apply. How we implement those controls changes. In the past, we could rely on a firewall at the edge. Yet, as we move up the stack, the edge has …

The Data Dilemma: Part 2

As I search around YouTube for movies, presentations, etc., I begin to realize that with a bit of judicious use of Google, I can find nearly anything. That is, anything about businesses, personnel, corporate structures, and even personal information. Yes, even without spending money, there is data available about every conceivable part of your corporate …

The Data Dilemma: Part 1

A growing data dilemma is brewing. Businesses are caught between the need to have data available to improve the business and the need to keep that data private—and not only private, but secure, nonvolatile, protected, and available. At the same time, our data is neither invulnerable, nor, apparently, private. Organizations that collect data cannot keep …

Round One in Social Media and First Amendment Rights

I recently wrote an article about a potential class action court case being brought against the President of the United States by the Knight Foundation. In the article, I posited that public servants who use their private social media accounts to make work-related statements may run the risk of causing their accounts to become public …