Virsto: Software Defined Data Center: Tip of the Iceberg

VMware buying Virsto is a big move and after considerable discussion a logical step for VMware in many technical areas as well. We previously mentioned that Virsto would add to VMware’s existing in Software Defined Data Center (SDDC), but there is more to this than just SDDC, which I believe is the end goal. Getting there absolutely requires a storage abstraction layer. So what does VMware gain other than SDDC with Virsto.

Business Critical Applications: Traveling Cloud

Recently I took a cross country driving trip as we moved from outside of Boston, which has been inundated with snow, to Austin TX, which has no snow. Aside from the reasons for the move, we found several cloud based business critical applications to be invaluable while traveling long distances: navigation and communication. It may seem that there could be many more, but given our devices, it boiled down to just those two: finding our way and keeping in touch with other.

Ravello Revives Binary Translation for Cloud Hypervisor

The team that brought you KVM are back with a new product and new direction. Qumranet founders —Benny Schnaider and Rami Tamir, have lifted the covers off Ravello Systems announcing it nested hypervisor platform HXV and a bold goal to create a cloud spanning hypervisor that will allow workloads to be moved from platform to platform regardless of the underlying infrastructure.

Norskale VUEM v2 – a Power Up for a New Player in User Environment Management?

Norskale believes that performance, simplicity of use, and a low cost of ownership are key factors when choosing a workspace management product. While Norskale is a new venture, the VEUM product has been available since 2011 and does have a range of case studies and testimonies.

Cross-Platform Cloud Management Features

Hotlink and their Cross-Platform Cloud Management technology have been in the news recently with the announcement of the latest release and the release of the free version of their flagship product, Hotlink SuperVISOR for VMware vCenter. This technology extends the VMware vCenter management capabilities to Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (KVM).