Implementing virtual desktops has often required a different thinking about storage and is heavily focused on lowering number of IOPS to provide the best desktop experience. Greenbytes appliances target to reduce costs and improve user performance.
TVP Strategy Archives
Change: Moving to the Cloud
The Virtualization Practice will be moving from our internal virtual environment and cloud configuration to an external hosted cloud configuration, at least temporarily. However, what we have found is that not all clouds are alike (we all knew that), and that some of our processes were not cloud friendly but what does it mean for moving to the cloud? How does this impact our ability to migrate our data, applications, and management into the cloud?
Garantia Data Launches Redis & Memcached Service for Azure
In a sign of the changing times, Garantia Data (an in-memory noSQL database service specialist) has launched a service to provide the Redis and Memcached No-SQL databases as a service to users of Microsoft Windows Azure.
Moving to the Cloud: When Does It Make Sense?
On 12/18, I had an interesting twitter conversation with Mark Thiele (@mthiele10) about moving to the cloud based on cost. There is a cost perspective to consider as cloud services can be very expensive. When does it make sense to go to the cloud, I think there are two scenarios to consider when talking about going to the cloud. While we were hampered by 140 characters, I think the message is clear.
Nimdesk: A DIY View on VDI-in-a-Box?
NimDesk claim they have the simplest and most affordable desktop virtualization for business of any size today. At a headline $99 cost per user for a perpetual license, what can the Nimdesk software and hardware appliances achieve and how do these compare against existing solutions in this space?
News: latest Login VSI 3.7 gets Windows 8, Windows 2012 and Oracle VDI support
Login VSI B.V. have announced the availability of Login VSI 3.7, the latest version of the performance and scalability testing tool for Virtual Desktop Infrastructures and Server Based Computing environments.