Is Windows 2012 Hyper-V ithe hypervisor for the cloud. We consider Aidan Finn’s comparison of Windows 2012 Hyper-V to VMware VSphere and Citrix XenServer to help you decide what technologies can be used to configure your own private cloud services.
TVP Strategy Archives
A Secure Cloud Framework for Non-Clouds
Is it possible to use a Cloud Framework to better secure your datacenter? Does cloud technologies provide a secure framework for building more than just clouds? We all know that virtualization is a building block to the cloud, but there may be a way to use cloud frameworks to first secure your datacenter before you launch a private, public, or hybrid cloud. In essence, we can use tools like vCloud Director to provide a more secure environment that properly segregates trustzones from one another while allowing specific accesses.
Waratek – forget VMware, just virtualize the JVM
Waratek is a one-off company with a disruptive technology (remember VMware was like this once) that forces you to reset your undertanding of how things could work. Waratek’s big idea is that you virtualize as high up the stack as you can because that gives you the best benefit in terms of sharing infrastructure.
Datasores: Where are yours?
I would like to thank Mike Laverick for reporting this typo and spurring thoughts on datasores. Unlike a Data Store which holds data, a datasore is a place where data becomes either painful to manage or protect. Or where the data exceeds your capability to handle it.
Data in the Cloud: Does Information want to be Free?
At a dinner party recently, I was asked “does information want to be free?” This question is based on information that exists within the cloud today or tomorrow: Data in the Cloud. It is an interesting question with a fairly ready answer. Information is Power, it is people not information that controls information. Granted we have a massive abundance of information within the cloud today, is it trying to be free, or are people trying to make it free to everyone? In addition, is all this information even true or accurate?
Windows 2012 Hyper-V – The Hypervisor for your Cloud? Part I
In this first installment looking at the features of Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 features compared to VMware vSphere 5.1 and XenServer 6.0 we consider how Hyper-V is priced, scalability and performance and storage.