VMworld 2012 – Horizon Mobile (Application Management)

If Mobile Device Management (MDM) vendors needed any further notice this entire technology category is defunct, then VMware has kindly obliged, finally making good on its promise to offer a viable mobile virtualization platform with the announcement at VMworld 2012 of Horizon Mobile iOS.

News: AppSense DataNow: Anywhere data access that starts in the enterprise

DataNow Essentials is now available. DataNow allows you to integrate with what is already there, with no need to provision more storage or migrate data, thus keeping cost and complexity low and speeding deployment time, and avoids cloud or storage vendor lock-in. Datanow is available to existing customers of AppSense’s user virtualization product suite free of charge – but is not a product in its own right. This is an interesting change in scope – other file storage solutions offer a sharing function in their own right. AppSense’s key consideration here is very likely that user virtualisation needs data to be portable.

VMworld 2012: A Contrarian Position on VMware’s New Licensing Model

Given the level of applause that greeted the announcement of VMware’s new pricing model, I know this will open me up to criticism, but was the old VMware licensing model really all that bad? It certainly wasn’t perfect, and there’s an awful alot to like about the new model, but was the old license pricing model so bad that it could only be fixed by ripping it up and replacing it with something so very different?

VMworld 2012: First Thoughts and Observations

Now that VMworld 2012 is well underway I wanted to share some of my first thoughts and observations about the conference. At the start of the conference, during the first General Session, the virtual passing of the torch from the outgoing CEO, Paul Maritz to the new incoming CEO, Pat Gelsinger took place with Mr. Gelsinger getting his opportunity to say hello to a crowd of around twenty thousand people that are present at the show.