Next Generation Thin Clients – Cheaper, Faster, Better

The cost of a VDI desktop dropped again last week with the release of a new low-cost thin clients that increasingly blur the boundaries between the cost of physical and virtual desktops, creating new opportunities for growth in a market segment that is struggling to reach more than 5% of enterprise desktops.

What is your Definition of a Successful Implementation?

How do we measure success? This seems like it should be an easy question to answer but is it? Success itself is a dynamic variable that can be defined in several different ways from a promotion or even recognition from your peers. Now what about a successful cloud implementation or implementation in general? How would you define success? The true definition of implementing is to fulfill; perform; carry out: or to put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure. For the design and implementation team, success could be defined by the completed installation design, deployment and verification testing of all functionality as defined in the statement of work.

News: Virtualizing the Last Mile

There is a class of applications that is extremely difficult to virtualize. This group consists of graphics intensive applications such as ProEngineer, Photoshop, and pretty much anything that requires a GPU to perform well. Graphics intensive applications make up a list of applications that are usually too big or expensive to virtualize. The last mile so to speak. This is NO longer the case. With NVIDIA’s announcement of the NVIDIA VGX Cloud Platform. This and other classes of applications can now be virtualized.

Multi-Tenancy: Who is the Tenant?

There seems to be a myriad of definitions of who is a tenant when it comes to secure multi-tenancy. This debate has occurred not only within The Virtualization Practice as well as at recent Interop and Symantec Vision conferences I attended. So who really is the tenant within a multi-tenant environment? It appears multiple definitions exist and if we cannot define Tenant, then how do you build secure applications that claim to be multi-tenant?

AppSense Hints at Future Direction with UV Suite 8.4, Data Locker and RAPsphere Acquisition

Much of the recent buzz around AppSense from AppSense Labs,the research division at AppSense that is responsible for StrataApps, DataLocker and DataNow, its hot new tools to support user installed applications and provide increased security in consumer cloud services. Nevertheless, AppSense has not forgotten its roots and has recently released a major update to its core user persona management platform UV Suite.

And then there were three – NxTop Enterprise morphs to XenClient Enterprise

How will Citrix acquisition of NxTop impact VARs and users? How will XenClient will be marketed longer term. Looks like Citrix will embrace IDV as there is a wider market share, and an admission that VDI will never be the sole solution: hybrid solutions are key to capturing as wide a desktop market share as possible.