OpenStack: What it is not….

The OpenStack conference 2012 is full of OpenStack fans, aficionados, developers, and companies making a business using the ecosystem. However, I kept hearing that openstack was a replacement for VMware. So why is this even a possibility, and why did Rackspace and now HP build public clouds using this technology? The easy answer is to save money. But is that the only answer? What is OpenStack and why is it becoming important?

Will Microsoft Windows 8 Software Assurance Fix VDI Licensing?

Instead of decisiveness and clarity, Microsoft has led with indecision and confusion. Windows 8 Software Assurance now comes with Windows To Go Use Rights, WindowsRT Virtual Desktop Access Rights, and Companion Device License, three new licensing structures to be tripped up on.

VMware Licensing Past and Present Compared to Hyper-V

When we look for patterns from the past, sometimes we can really get a good idea of what the future might entail.

If you take a look at the way VMware has rolled out licensing changes during each of the major releases you can see a pattern and get an idea of what the future may bestow on us. When Virtual Center was first released, vMotion and vSMP were licensed separately from Virtual Center as an add-on for Virtual Center.

Once VMware ESX3 was released, vMotion and vSMP pretty much became a standard feature included in ESX3. Virtual Center was still sold separately and then VMware presented three licensing models for VMware ESX3.

MokaFive Goes Mobile – Extends MokaFive Suite to iPad

Distributed desktop virtualization start up MokaFive has carved a niche for itself by simplifying the task of delivering enterprise IT managed Windows desktop environments to Apple Mac hardware without the additional cost and complexity of VDI environments. (I reviewed MokaFive Suite and its type II hypervisor solution here previously and as well looking at its bare-metal hypervisor platform for conventional Wintel hardware here.)

Citrix Acquires Podio – Forget Desktops, Users – Build Your Own Apps

Citrix acquire Podio – Podio’s focus is to provide a platform for small/medium sized organisations to get up and running with standard business function applications offered from Podio’s own App Store. Does this mark the a Citrix foray to better accomodate mobility and consumerisation while stepping outside the microsoft windows desktop delivery environment.

OnLive Desktop Inching Towards Viability

OnLive, the desktop pundits favorite DaaS provider, is one step closer to being able to offer a viable and fully compliant virtual “desktop” service following the stealth update of its platform from a Windows 7 based VDI service to a Windows Server 8 R2 Remote Desktop Services offering. While this move eliminates the threat to the service that attempting to run a set based on a licensing model that was not compliant with Microsoft’s licensing policies, OnLive is still not out of the woods.