Future Proofing Data Protection

During a briefing of Quest’s new data protection announcements I started to think about the future of data protection. Quest recently announced that NetVault will now work with Exagrid devices and that there is now a Capacity Edition targeting SMBs and SMEs. These changes add some more capabilities to an existing product suite. While, these announcements do not necessarily merge with virtualization backup, the combination of Quest’s tools and partnerships do form an impressive view of the future with respect to Data Protection.

Centrix Software update Workspace Manager and Universal – better enabling desktop transformation

New application delivery options bring great opportunities for organizations to drive more operational and service efficiency but require new management approaches to traditional desktop provisioning. The release of WorkSpace Universal 5.3 brings two core features for supporting the compliant use of software-as-a-service applications and dynamic application provisioning in private cloud environments – Cloud pass-through authentication and Content launch policy control.

Fix the App or Add Hardware?

While participating in the GestaltIT Virtualization Field Day #2, I was asking PureStorage on whether or not SSD based storage was throwing hardware at a problem that is better fixed, by changing the code in question? What brought this thought to mind was the example used during the presentation which was about database performance. This example, tied to a current consulting problem, where fixing the database improved performance by 10x. This alleviated the need for over all storage improvements. So the question remains, is using SSD, throwing hardware to solve a basic coding problem?

Using MAC-Based Licensing with vSphere: A Necessary Evil

Should software licensing be completely based off of the hardware MAC address of the NIC and or UUID of the mother board? This process worked very well before the introduction of virtualization but now that virtualization has become more prevalent in most environments. I think software venders really need to reconsider how they are going to license their software although it seems that some companies have not bought on to the idea of virtualization and would prefer to continue to support their product type to a specific hardware platform that the vender put together and shipped out. Can software venders hope to survive and remain current without embracing virtualization? I think the answer to that question is going to be no in the long run.

AppSense DataLocker gives Dropbox more security hints at the beginning of the end for VDI?

AppSense Lab’s DataLocker’s first release offers a method of encrypting and decrypting files to allow secure storage in cloud services. This is a new direction for AppSense – with support for win32/win64 platforms, but also Mac and iOS. A useful free tool, not really enterprise ready – but an important start for AppSense who are now looking at how to enable organisations to better adopt consumerization into their IT strategy.