Cisco – VMware – NetApp an Interesting Approach to Secure Multi-Tenancy

The Cisco-VMware-NetApp (CVN) was discussed on the Virtualization Security Podcast as it pertains to Secure Multi-Tenancy (SMT). This is a major concern that was also discussed at RSA Conference 2010 within the Cloud Security Alliance Summit. The question still remains how to achieve this goal however. CVN is a very good start, but as we discussed on the podcast is missing some key elements.

Do Citrix and VMWare fail to deliver a complete centralised desktop offering?

Hosting desktops or applications on servers located in the data center, and implementing centralized computing technologies is one of the best ways to cut IT costs while also improving security, reliability, productivity and efficiency. Both Citrix and VMWare have high profiles offering their respective virtualisation solutions that enable centralisation. Yet if you are considering centralisation, do they offer your organisation a focused solution for your needs?

VMware and Xen VMs, not all that compatible

I have been doing some support work for an SMB that uses VMware Server where their VMs initially started as XenServer VMs, but due to networking and some other issues where converted to VMware VMs using V2V technology. However, these suddenly stopped working properly after an upgrade to VMware Server 2.