EMC/Cisco/VMware vBlock – The Data Center Virtualization Perspective

Well the cat is well and truly out of the bag now, after several months of serious courting and getting caught behind the bike shed a few time, the worse kept secret in IT has arrived. Cisco, EMC, and VMware have entered into a joint venture arrangement called V-block, so what is it and how exactly does it affect the state of play?

Upgrades to VMware vSphere will Impact Availability and Security!

I was upgrading my nodes from VMware VI3 to VMware vSphere and used the VMware Update Manager to perform the update. Given that my existing filesystems were implemented to meet the requirements of the DISA STIG for ESX, as well as availability. I was surprised to find that when the upgrade of the first node of my cluster completed, that the install did NOT take into account my existing file system structure, but instead imposed the default file system used by the standard VMware vSphere ESX 4 installation.

News: Cisco and EMC, Together With VMware, Form Coalition to Accelerate Pervasive Virtualization and Private Cloud Infrastructures

Unprecedented Collaboration Heralds Business-Ready IT Infrastructure Packages and Single Point of Contact for Design, Service and Support; Cisco-EMC Solutions Joint Venture Also Established to Help Enable Customer Adoption Cisco and EMC, together with VMware, today introduced the Virtual Computing Environment coalition, an unprecedented collaboration of three information technology (IT) industry leaders. The coalition has been …

Is VMware trying to remake itself? To Compete with Microsoft?

With all the rebranding going on with VMware, I find it interesting that the new logo for VMware is similar to Microsoft’s logo. A single name instead of the cool boxes they used to have. Did VMware’s brand loose its focus while we were not watching? Is this why VMware is rebranding everthing? Is VMware really trying to remake itself to be more like Microsoft?