See You at VMworld!

See you at VMworld: I am finalizing my schedule and trying to clear my inbox in preparation for my flight out of town at the end of the week. My self and somewhere around twenty thousand of my fellow peers will all be arriving in Las Vegas, Nevada for VMworld 2017. I think the show this year, has the potential to be a very exciting and electric conference.

Another One Bites the Dust: AWS and Azure Kill Off Another Competitor in GoDaddy

One more cloud vendor has found out that unless you go big, you get wet. GoDaddy has decided to move out of the public cloud market, which it entered with much flag waving and fanfare in March of 2016. This is starting to be a common theme, with vendor after vendor giving up the ghost. VMware recently …

Second Quarter Cloud Insights

Second Quarter Cloud Insights: If I had to choose a few keywords to give insight into how the second quarter in the cloud space has shaped up, they would be demand, serverless and API. The outlook of the cloud industry, namely Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), appear to be improving with around a fifty percent year over year growth so far 2017.  Compare that to the prior quarter of around forty-five percent with international demand and the implementation of corporate “cloud-first” initiatives driven by the company C-Level executives.