RightScale State of the Cloud Report for 2017

RightScale just published its annual report on the state of the cloud, and some of the key findings are very interesting. Topics range from cloud vendor market share to cloud adoption concerns, DevOps tools adoption, public vs. private cloud adoption, and much more. Below, I highlight the major findings I thought most interesting and follow each with …

Notes from the Field: Leadership Matters in Transformation

Over the past few months, I’ve been writing about my engagement with a global organization and its journey of transformation into a more agile organization, driving business enablement. One thing has remained missing: real leadership. This large corporation has thousands upon thousands of people, and many of them are in “leadership” roles. The problem here is that …

Encryption Secrets

There is a growing movement to encrypt everything. I prefer encrypting specific data, not everything. However, modern CPU chipset features have sped up encryption so much that encrypting everything is a valid option. Encryption requires one to have access to the keys or the related encryption secrets. Those secrets need to be at the fingertips …

Questions for a Cloud-Based Future

Everywhere we look, cloud is the big buzzword. Digital transformation insists that we embrace cloud computing as the next evolution of our enterprise. Microsoft, Amazon, Citrix, and VMware, among many others, are all focused on cloud and mobility as the next logical step forward. Upstart companies like Netflix are the trailblazers, embracing the cloud completely …