Will Virtual Reality Have a Place in IT?

Will Virtual Reality have a place in IT? While Virtual Reality (VR) is still in its infancy it might be currently most associated with the computer gaming industry. However, there is a big interest from companies outside the computer gaming industry. As a matter of fact, Mark Zuckerberg over at Facebook has had quite an interest in virtual reality to expand the Facebook platform and there are some predictions that 2017 may be the year that Facebook VR finally emerges.

IT: The Industry of Change

Nothing quite changes like IT. We have gone from incredibly manual, thought-requiring human processes to handling petabytes of data to make a single decision. In essence, our requirements have changed to meet our real-world needs, whether such change has been to improve performance, capacity, or other needs. Requirements rule the world of IT. Recently, we …

Security and Data Protection: Anti-Ransomware?

Nearly every time I turn around, a company is stating it can prevent ransomware! When I research it further, I see that it is not, in fact, prevention. Rather, it is recovery. These companies all make the same assumption: that ransomware can be detected long before it becomes a major problem. This is false reasoning. Ransomware is …

Security: Another Key Reason for Virtualization

Aside from the production benefits of virtualization, an added benefit is improving security posture, which is paramount to most IT organizations. For those that haven’t already determined that a virtualized infrastructure is a better solution than handing out laptops with a VPN connection, there are a number of eye-opening reasons to reconsider the security impact …

Is 2017 the Year When Cloud Migrations Really Take Off?

Is 2017 the year that cloud migrations really take off? First, let me preface that statement by defining the term cloud migrations to mean applications or workloads that have or will be migrated to an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) or Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) platform. With that said, Corporations in general, have been laying down the groundwork by training, hiring and or building a cloud services team that will also encompass a cloud migration group or what is also commonly referred to as the migration factories.  All the pieces have been put into place and what is left is the execution of the migration. For some companies, the overall cloud strategy is a strategy to not just get to the cloud, but also could be a strategy to get control of the workloads that may have been deployed to the public cloud along the way.