Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent Announce Potential Engagement

Who knew Nokia was still a thing, after Microsoft bought it? Well, as it turns out, Microsoft only bought the Devices and Services division. Nokia still has a number of other divisions, including NSN (the network infrastructure division), HERE (maps and location-based services), and Advanced Technologies (a licensing and development arm). Microsoft has been paying …

Fewer Than 90 Days to Security Vulnerability

What is the significance of July 14, 2015? It is the end of extended support date for Windows Server 2003. This date is approaching faster than many administrators care to acknowledge, and the reality is that Windows Server 2003 just won’t be a viable operating system for production environments after that date.

Virtualization & Cloud Security Ep 1

We are trying out a new format for the Virtualization & Cloud Security Podcast: video. We’ll post it up on YouTube as well as posting it via Talkshoe and iTunes. In this episode, Mike Foley (@mikefoley) of VMware Technical Marketing joins me to discuss IoT security, the RSA Conference, and hardening guides. We have spoken …

Dell FluidFS 4 and Dell Compellent FS8600

Dell FluidFS is a scalable NAS software storage solution sold as an independent front end to Dell’s storage offerings (Compellent and EqualLogic). FluidFS provides file-level access to Dell Compellent and EqualLogic traditional block-based arrays, using protocols like SMB and NFS. FluidFS is also where Dell has chosen to implement technologies like deduplication and compression (which …

How Do You Data Protect?

In our ongoing quest to determine how our readers use cloud technologies, our second poll is now available: Which Type of Data Protection Service(s) Do You Use? This poll’s goal is to determine how data protection fits into your organization’s use of the cloud, if it does at all. There are many cloud-based tools for …