News: Once More into the Breach, My Friends: Oracle v. Google

In a follow-up to my Oracle v. Google Java spat post—in which I reported that the appeals court has ruled in favour of Oracle, casting doubt on the whole automation industry and the use of Java APIs—it seems that Google has decided to take this to the US Supreme Court. The argument it has submitted …

Windows 10 Servicing Plans—The Last Operating System You’ll Ever Need. Nightmare, or Necessity?

Simon Bramfitt’s recent article on this site, Windows 10: The Last Operating System You’ll Ever Need, offers a view into the next generation of the Windows desktop platform. Of particular interest is the revelation that Windows 10 will most likely see Microsoft move to a continuous release schedule, ending the cycle of 18-month releases that …

Amazon WorkSpaces DaaS: Not a Lot of Desktop, Very Little Service

I have spent a lot of time in the past month looking at DaaS platforms and providers. While pricing tends to be about the same across the board, product quality and service vary widely. Some are excellent, others less so. Amazon is a case in point: while it entered the market with some fanfare, it …

Are Profile Management Vendors Simply Spreading FUD?

I‘ve heard it opined a few times recently that the whole profile management market, often referred to as “user state virtualization” (USV) or “user environment management” (UEM), is based on a lie. Essentially, there are those out there who believe that the industry that has sprung up around UEM is a solution looking for a problem, …