Disaster Recovery: Are You Prepared for the Storm?

Has anyone else taken notice of that little storm brewing in the Caribbean?  At every update the path of the little storm keeps drifting west almost as if the storm really wants to go to Disney World. All kidding aside, Hurricane Matthew is, at the time of this writing, a category 4 hurricane based on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale with the maximum sustained winds of one hundred forty-five mile an hour winds.  The storm is currently heading over Haiti and moving towards the Bahamas while leaving a death and a lot of destruction in its wake.

Knowledge Flying out the Door!

Institutional knowledge is leaving companies at a rapid rate. Employees are very mobile, moving between companies fairly rapidly. Just as they learn something important, they are out the door. That knowledge is not always transferred to others staying behind. Here one day, gone the next. How can you explain a business decision, technology decision, or …

MS Ignite Roundup

Microsoft has just wrapped up its MS Ignite conference in Atlanta. MS Ignite, which morphed from Microsoft’s TechEd conference, is the conference at which Microsoft traditionally announces and GAs its newest products and delivers its technical strategy announcements. The latest conference has not been a disappointment. This year, as expected for a tech conference, it is all about cloud, cloud, and more cloud, with a …

Innovation through Internal Hacking

Innovation is a critical part of any business, particularly a software business. However, as we know from Clayton M. Christensen’s book The Innovator’s Dilemma, it is hard to innovate in a large company. The challenge is that many innovations will disrupt the existing revenue stream. But without innovation, the revenue stream will inevitably end. To remain …