SaaS Enabler: Oracle Cloud 2.0

After Oracle OpenWorld, I asked myself a simple question. How will Oracle use Oracle Cloud 2.0? AWS uses its cloud to create services such as Lambda. What will Oracle create within its cloud? More to the point, will its current SaaS offerings migrate to Oracle Cloud 2.0? Have they already? These are crucial questions to …

Is Oracle Cloud 2.0 a Weather System Too Late?

Last week was Oracle OpenWorld. It was held in San Francisco at the Moscone Center, which surprised me. I had thought it was closed for refurbishment, as this was the reason VMware had given for holding its annual US shindig in Las Vegas this year. It seems like Oracle must always have a public enemy number one. Those …

It’s the Lead-Up to VMworld Barcelona

VMworld Las Vegas 2016 could not have come at a worse time for California-based VMware, just before the September 7 nuptials of its New England parent, EMC, and the Texan Dell. Many are saying, as usual, that the writing is on the wall for VMware: that is has lost its way, that is it the IBM of the Millennial generation. Watching from afar …