Cloud Dependency: Adoption

We have spoken about other cloud dependencies: visibility, upgrades, and networking. Now we need to talk about adoption. Not the techniques, but how you move forward. What is this change in your work life now that you are using a cloud? Why is this a change in dependency? You now have instant responsibility for things …

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again in the Cloud

There is an old saying, “the definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result.” The way many enterprises are approaching the cloud, insanity would be a great way of classifying it. When we look across most enterprises, we see a collection of technologies from every era …

Get Off the Hypervisor and Get Into the Cloud

Off of the hypervisor and get into the cloud: In my last couple of post I wanted to express my thoughts about the future of cloud computing. In the first post, I shared what appears to be a bright outlook of the future for people working in the cloud space with the soaring demand for skilled engineers and not enough quality people to fill those roles. In my second post, I presented a couple of key skill areas that currently seem to have the most demand but I want to share my thoughts, or more to the point, concern that this “gap” of skilled engineers in only going to increase unless we can help guide people off of the hypervisor and into the cloud.