Serverless: Business Plan or an Approach to Technology?

In a recent Twitter conversation, I asked if serverless is anything new, and if so, where are the documents expressing what is new about it. I was asked in reply if I needed a document to understand the difference between Uber and taxicabs. That got me wondering: is the serverless movement a business plan, or is …

The Pleasure and Peril of Comparison Shopping

Making decisions about IT infrastructure purchases is hard. There are many interlocked decisions to be made, each of which has multiple requirements. Often, a collection of compromises must occur. For the business project owner with little IT knowledge, it may seem far too complicated. It would be great to have tools that simplify these decisions and reduce the work …

Is the Cloud Ready?

The Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference is taking place this week in Toronto (week of 7/18/16), and the cloud is unquestionably its key topic. Many CIOs and CTOs have caught the cloud bug and have openly stated that their infrastructures are moving to the cloud. But what exactly is “the cloud,” and is it really ready for prime time?

Simplification by Policy

In previous articles, I suggested that hyperconverged is just a step on a path to simpler IT infrastructure. I also explored how some of the simplification might work. Today, I’d like to explore some of the areas of infrastructure that are ripe for simplification. Some of these areas are already being addressed by some vendors, …

Root Cause Analysis Is Not Dead

Eric Wright of VMTurbo wrote about the death of root cause analysis (RCA) with the rise of microservices. I take exception to this, as microservices aren’t really all that new. Even what’s being called “serverless computing” isn’t particularly new. However, that’s a discussion for another time. The point of RCA is to find the real reasons …