Choices We Have Plenty: Your Guide to Virtual Switches

I was tinkering around with XenServer the other day. I know I can hear you saying “is that a thing?” Well, it is, but this is not what I am going to talk about today. Time for a tangent shift. I thought I would have a look for a third-party switch for XenServer, but it …

RedHat Summit: All about Containers

I had the opportunity to attend Red Hat Summit and DevNation. Nearly every answer to any question at both these events was to “use containers” to solve that problem. While some responses were undoubtedly true, others were not quite as completely true. Yes, you can use containers to solve many problems, but what was often …

Leostream — The One Broker to Rule Them All

Over the years, I’ve worked with just about every VDI vendor on the market, except one: Leostream. It’s not because the Leostream Connection Broker isn’t any good. Far from it. It’s just because I’ve never experienced an environment so complex that Leostream offered the right answer. So I thought it time to take a closer …

Is a Privatized Citrix in the Cards?

Elliott Management has a plan for Citrix. Shake out sales and marketing, sell GoTo and NetScaler, dump the dead wood, and shut down all blue-sky research. There has been no response yet from Citrix beyond a brief note to say “we’ll get back to you on that,” but you can bet that CEO Mark Templeton …