Data Sovereignty, Data Ownership

Data drives the modern business. It drives the modern development process. And it drives IT operations analytics in the NOC and the SOC. This raises the questions “Who owns all this data? Do data sovereignty rules apply?” Data is everywhere, and it is used in many ways. In many cases, the same data is used in multiple …

Abstraction Is the Future

The IT industry is abstracting everything it can, from hardware, to networking, to storage and more. “Abstract and build an API, and the world becomes better” seems to be the motto. Abstraction has become the goal of many subsystems. Many people seem to believe that if you move everything to software, everything will be better—and that if you use …

Another Look at Uninterrupted Data Access Priorities

In my last post, Priorities of Uninterrupted Data Access, I got the chance to present the results of the IDG survey that reported a sizeable difference between the 50% of executives and the close to 90% of managers’ and the directors’ concerns of the priorities of uninterrupted access to the company data. This “spread” between the percentages has left me really wondering and speculating what might be behind the different attitudes and concerns.

Make vSphere Free. Can VMware Sell Only Support?

Last month, I suggested that VMware could help itself and its customers by opening up. How about if it transformed completely? Could VMware survive if vSphere were free and it only charged for support? What if VMware embraced the idea that hypervisors are a commodity and focused on revenue from management and automation products? What if vSphere didn’t …