News: Browsium Catalyst Multi-browser Management Tool Released to Beta

While multi-browser environments are often needed to address compatibility and security problems, they come with several management challenges. Browsium are developing Catalyst to allow the most compatible and secure browser for each website on every PC in an organization to be centrally managed. A free beta trial is available.

Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity v5.2: does it out sense AppSense or haze Mirage?

ProfileUnity FlexApp is capable of presenting organisations with a comprehensive user environment management solution encompassing both user virtualization and a virtualized software distribution system. v5.2 adds user rights elevation, machine settings support and profile migration reporting. How does ProfileUnity stand against key competitors in the market with this new release?

Is Windows 2012 Remote Desktop Session Host better than Citrix XenApp?

At Citrix Synergy in Barcelona, this was a very good question that a number of partners were reporting their customers were asking. Citrix XenApp 6.5 is a market leading product. Windows 2012 is very new. What are the differentiating features, what key questions should you ask and how do you decide on the one for you?